A commitment to lifelong learning – remaining open to new approaches and embracing the hunger to stay curious – often leads us to very specific opportunities. We might take a class to gain a new skill, for instance, or do some research to support a point we’re trying to make or to better understand something we need to know.
Sometimes, however, it’s great to bring no expectations to an environment other than “I will learn what I can learn” and then to simply soak in whatever comes our way.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I signed up for the Global Leadership Summit. I had attended one of these events in Denver, but that was years ago. And while this time I couldn’t attend in person, that didn’t stop me from committing to my continued education. So, I sat down with a warm drink, fired up my laptop, and pledged to paying attention to the speakers as I watched and listened to the live stream of GLS22.
The day flew by. I was able to take breaks, and I had no trouble paying attention to what was an amazing lineup of presenters.
In the next few weeks, I plan to share some more detailed lessons from GLS22, but I can tell you I learned a great deal about things that matter to me – about humility, vulnerability, purpose, relationships, empathy, influence, dealing with pain, developing a growth mindset, and avoiding imposter syndrome.
These were all topics I’ve spent years studying and some of them I’ve written about in blogs and in my book. But the fresh perspectives from leaders such as Tom DeVries, Craig Groeschel, Vanessa Van Edwards, Johnny Taylor, Judah Smith, Deb Liu, Heidi Grant-Halvorson, and Ron Howard reminded me that there’s always something new to learn and always new ways to apply the things we know to be true.
I’m looking forward to reviewing my notes, thinking more about what these speakers said, and sharing with you some of the insights I learned.