NikolayFrolochkin from pixabay

What’s Your Story? Messaging’s Impact on Business

One of the most effective ways leaders can build transparency into their leadership is by taking advantage of their personal message and purpose. All it takes is a good story.

From a young age, we’re told stories with positive endings, and with good reason. Stories with a positive message are memorable and influential. So why not use them in business and motivate employees through storytelling?

To create an impactful story, John Coleman of the Harvard Business Review recommends starting with just two basic elements: background on how the company started and a clearly stated mission that drives people to great things every day.

Steve Jobs and Apple are a classic example. Jobs inspired his employees by explaining his love for calligraphy and how that led to his passion for design, which provides context for all the innovative work he produced and oversaw at Apple. After his cancer diagnosis, he lived even more passionately and worked even harder — this empowered him to do something better every day.

As a leader, what is your story? How can you motivate others?

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