
The Monday Playbook: The more you give, the more you can give


» There’s an old expression that you can’t outgive God. But even if you’re an atheist or agnostic, it’s hard to argue with the reality that giving generously brings a multitude of rewards, including, in some cases, an increase in wealth so you can give away even more.

In 2006, Warren Buffett made his now-famous pledge to give away at least 85 percent of his fortune. His net worth at the time was estimated at $43 billion. Since then, Buffett has given away roughly $58 billion, but in October 2024 his net worth was estimated at $147 billion. He now has pledged to give away 99 percent of his wealth to philanthropy. (Sources: Fortune, Forbes, and USA Today.) “Were we to use more than 1% of my claim checks on ourselves, neither our happiness nor our well-being would be enhanced,” he explains in his giving pledge. “In contrast, that remaining 99% can have a huge effect on the health and welfare of others. That reality sets an obvious course for me and my family: Keep all we can conceivably need and distribute the rest to society, for its needs.”


» Winning Words

He who gives only what he would as readily throw away gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self-sacrifice.

Money, from Notes From Life (1853)

When it comes to giving some people stop at nothing.


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» 3 Key Plays

1. Give from the heart

I’ll repeat something I wrote in 2017: The true measure of generosity is found in the heart of the giver, not the pocketbook. And, thankfully, we’re all in a position to give from the heart. We can give of our time. We can give of our talents. And we can give of our treasure. And while giving from our wealth is important, giving out of our poverty is perhaps the greatest display of true generosity.

2. Plan to give

The old adage “plan the work and work the plan” also applies to giving. Take the time to make a plan for your baseline giving – how much from each paycheck you’ll give away each month, for instance, and to what causes. Then execute that plan with the flexibility to give even more when needs arise and circumstances allow.

3. Be a risky giver

The more wealth you build over a lifetime, the more you might need advisors to help you plan your giving. But most advisors are paid to protect your wealth, not risk it. And if you want big returns on your giving, then you need to take some risks that accountants and wealth advisors might not recommend. Don’t let fear keep you from being a generous giver.

» What actions can you take today to give more generously to those in need during the coming year?

The Monday Playbook delivers a quick, motivational plan to help you win your week as you tackle universal challenges in leadership, business, and life. 

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